A Message from Don Lionetti
As I look back on the past year, I can see continuous positive momentum throughout the Carson College of Business (CCB)—from the dean, to the faculty, staff, and students, to our great alumni and dedicated National Board of Advisors. There is tremendous energy, excitement, and enthusiasm for the future direction of the CCB. Chip Hunter and the great faculty and staff in the college have worked hard to create a model for reinventing the undergraduate experience at the CCB that will ultimately deliver an even better end product: business ready graduates who are more highly prepared and desirable for the workforce. You will be hearing more about this new direction for the CCB in the coming months.
To follow through on this vision which will include more faculty, a more intimate experience for students (i.e., smaller classroom sizes), and certifying business majors as freshmen and sophomores, we will need continued financial investment from our alumni. We thank and celebrate those of you who have given and continue to give and welcome new investors in our CCB at WSU. Contact Jeff Pilcher, director of development, at jeff.pilcher@wsu.edu or 509-335-8906, to discuss ways you can invest. There are a myriad of ways your donations can impact the CCB including a specific CCB department, the Dean’s Excellence Fund, an endowed scholarship, or a legacy gift, or become a President’s Associate for the CCB. Every amount helps, and don’t forget to take advantage of potential corporate matching funds which can double your impact.
As I close this article, I want to thank everyone at the CCB and our outstanding NBoA for allowing me the privilege of leading this group. In April of 2019, my two-year tenure will expire, and I will be handing over the reins to Tammy Hossfeld, our current vice chair and former chair of our Accounting Board. Tammy is professionally qualified to lead us for the next two years. I will still be involved as a past chair and look forward to helping our CCB in our continued journey for the betterment of our University!
Finally, I would like to thank the chairs and vice chairs of the individual unit boards of the CCB for their dedication and leadership. We have 11 unit boards and about 170 business professionals that serve on them. Please contact us if you have an interest in serving. These unit boards are Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Hospitality, HR/Management, MIS, International Business, Marketing, Risk Management/Insurance, WSU Tri-Cities, and WSU Vancouver.
– Don Lionetti | ’87 Marketing
Microsoft Federal Sales Director—Tribal Government, Gaming, and Alaska Native Corporations
donlion@microsoft.com, 425-830-7727