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Washington State University
Carson College of Business Carson Career Amplifier Program

Carson Career Amplifier Program

Program Overview

NACE Career Readiness Competencies:

Developed from a subset of the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ research-based career readiness competencies and one from the National Academic Advising Association Student Success, the Carson College of Business created a program focused on student retention and successful transition into the workplace.

  • Career & Self-Development: Proactively develop oneself and one’s career through continual personal and professional learning, awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, navigation of career opportunities, and networking to build relationships.
  • Communication: Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with others.
  • Leadership: Leverage the strengths of others to achieve common goals, and use interpersonal skills to coach and develop others.
  • Professionalism: Understand professional expectations and norms at WSU and in the workplace by demonstrating effective work habits, an act in the interest of the larger community and workplace. Demonstrate awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skill required to equitably engage and include people from different local and global cultures.

NACADA Student Success and Retention:

  • Student Success: Acclimate to the expectations of WSU and the Carson College of Business. Develop strategies and identify University tools/resources/services to help students transition to college and understand academic requirements and expectations.

Carson Career Amplifier Deadlines

As a co-curricular requirement for Carson College of Business majors, the Carson Career Amplifier Program must be completed in a timely fashion. Certain deadlines must be met in order to properly progress through the program and your Business major. See the following chart.

Note: If you are a post-baccalaureate earning another undergraduate degree in business, please email the Amplifier team for further instructions.

ADMISSION, Capstone, Graduation DEADLINES



Spring Submissions due by April 17 to be reviewed by May 1
Summer Submissions due by July 18 to be reviewed by August 1
Fall Submissions due by November 17 to be reviewed by December 1

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If you need help navigating the Amplifier program, planning your High Impact Learning Experience, or applying the competencies to your career – meet with a Career Consultant! To make an appointment, visit our Handshake and Career Resources page.
For quick questions and concerns, ask to speak to an Amplifier representative* during drop-in advising.
*Amplifier representative available to speak with students on all WSU campuses, academic advising is for Pullman only!

Handshake and Career Resources

Student Submission Forms for Career Amplifier:

Helpful Planning Resources:

Incoming Freshman or students with less than 30 credits are TIER I-IV

Go To Tier I-IV

Career Amplifier Program Logo

Completion of Tier I or Crimson Pathway I are required for admittance into the college.

Students with 30 or more credits are CRIMSON PATHWAY

Go To Crimson Pathway

Tier I: Explore Your New World

Must be completed by the end of the semester in which BA 102 is completed. (This is a requirement to be admitted to the major)

Student Success:
Collegiate Foundations

Learn about a variety of resources, tools, and services designed to assist you at WSU and the Carson College of Business.

  • Attend ONE orientation event.
  • Complete TWO Resource workshops.

Student Success:

Explore the WSU community and get involved.

  • Participate in finding your community (Greek life, athletics, clubs, EDGE, etc.)


As a student who has indicated an interest in business, this is your opportunity to learn more about business, the world of business, and to start your business-focused training that will help you as a business student as you become a professional.

  • Attend ONE professional development-related event.
  • Complete TWO 100-level business-focused trainings.

Tier II: Chart Your Path

Highly recommended to complete in Sophomore Year. Tier II must be complete to enroll in your Capstone.

Career & Self-Development:

Now that you are admitted to the college, it is time to get more experience. Attend info sessions and events that teach you more about business, industry, etc. Then, get involved in a microinternship, industry trek, or participate in the professional mentor program. Finally, learn what business’ value and how to build your market value for your career.

  • Complete at least TWO professional development activities.
  • Participate in at least ONE higher involvement activity: industry treks, become a business club member, attend several meetings with an industry mentor, etc.
  • Complete TWO Building Your Market Value activities.

Learning to Network

Learn how to effectively network in low-risk networking events and workshops to help develop your networking style.

  • Attend at least ONE learning to network event.

Student Success:
Collegiate Proficiency

Engage with your faculty to learn more about your interests or ideas to build your academic plan around them, learn about research, and areas that may spark a new interest. Also, complete more business-focused training that will give you the tools that you need to set yourself apart and elevate your business prowess.

  • Complete ONE Faculty Engagement Activity.
  • Complete TWO 200 Level Business-Focused Trainings.

Tier III: Expand Your Assets

Highly recommended to complete in Junior Year. Must be completed before the end of the semester of expected graduation.

Creating Your Brand

Learning about yourself, your experiences and what you stand for are imperative to creating your brand. In these workshops, you will learn how to understand your brand and build it into a formidable asset for employers.

  • Complete TWO Creating Your Brand activities.

Equity & Inclusion

Demonstrate awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skill required to equitably engage and include people from different local and global cultures.

  • Attend at least ONE Equity & Inclusion event.

Connecting Your Network

Strengthen communication skills through hands-on experience in networking.

  • Attend at least TWO career networking events.

Develop and Lead

Leadership comes in many forms, learn your leadership style in workshops, hone your skills in leadership positions, and meet other leaders you can learn from.

  • Complete at least ONE leadership development activity.

Tier IV: Carson Professional

Highly recommended to complete in Senior Year. Must be completed before the end of the semester of expected graduation.

Career & Self-Development:
Professional Development Plan

Now that you are becoming a professional, it is imperative you continue your professional learning. This is an action plan for your professional development. Maybe you want to earn a certification or learn complimentary skills to your profession—now is the time to proactively think it through.

  • Complete a professional development plan.

Career & Self-Development:

Participate in a high-impact activity relevant to your career goals. This is an activity where you will be able to use the technical skills you are learning in the classroom with the career skills in the Amplifier program in application.


If you are considering doing your High Impact Learning Experiences with one of our projects listed as an option, you will need to submit the HILE Proposal Form.

Career & Self-Development:
Career Essentials

This badge is arming you with life skills that will prepare you for being a professional in business AND personally! These workshops will help you step into your job with knowledge about finances, insurance, success in the first 90 days, etc. We want you to feel confident in your life so that your time, mental capacity, and energy can be focused on your new job.

  • Complete at least ONE career essentials workshop, lecture, etc: Financial Literacy, Navigating HR Forms, Success in the First 90 Days, and much more.

Leveraging Your Network

Utilize your network to find career opportunities. This is your final pursuit of a full-time job! If you have already accepted a job offer, you may choose to submit that offer letter for these requirements. Consider continuing your networking though, you never know when you will meet someone you will work with in the future.

  • Attend at least THREE career networking events

Pay It Forward

There are many ways to pay it forward! You will be sharing your post-grad plans that help us know where our students are ending up, if they want/need more career assistance in getting a job, and their experiences throughout their time here at CCB. The exit surveys are to help you review and assess everything you have learned. Last but certainly not least, paying it forward to your Coug or personal community is exactly what the Coug Spirit is all about! No better time to start than NOW.

  • Complete the postgraduation plan survey
  • Complete TWO Exit Surveys.
  • Complete ONE pay it forward activity

Crimson Pathway: Transfer Students

Crimson Pathway I must be completed by the end of the semester in which BA 102 is completed. (This is a requirement to be admitted to the major)*

Crimson Pathway I (Only For Incoming Students with 30+ Credits)

To get started on your Carson Coug journey, you will learn about a variety of resources, tools, and services designed to help you at WSU and the Carson College of Business. With an expressed desire to be a business professional, this will be your opportunity to learn more through your business-focused trainings, effective networking preparation, and connecting with faculty.

  • Attend ONE orientation to Carson College of Business
  • Attend ONE professionalism event
  • Complete TWO business-focused trainings
  • Complete ONE learning to network event
  • Complete ONE faculty engagement activity

Note: If you are considering doing your High Impact Learning Experience with one of our projects listed as an option, you will need to submit the HILE Proposal Form.

Crimson Pathway II

On your final stretch to graduating as a Carson College of Business student, it is time to learn what business’ value and how to build your own market value for your career. Learning about yourself, your experiences, and what you stand for are imperative to creating your brand. Through various activities from learning how to conduct business in an equitable manner, networking with professionals, and making an action plan for professional development, to giving back to your community – you will finish the Amplifier Program fit for the business world.

  • Complete TWO building your market value activities.
  • Complete TWO creating your brand activities.
  • Complete ONE equity & inclusion event.
  • Complete ONE high impact learning experience.
  • Attend at least TWO Career Networking events.
  • Complete at least ONE Leadership Development Activity.
  • Complete at least ONE Career Essentials workshop.
  • Create a professional development plan.
  • Complete the post-graduation plan survey.
  • Complete TWO exit surveys.
  • Complete ONE pay it forward activity.

* If you are a Direct Transfer Student and are exempt from taking BA 102, you need to complete Crimson Pathway I and II by the time you graduate.