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Washington State University


Research highlights

Restorative Justice

Associate Professor Ken Butterfied’s article “Crime and Punishment? Redefining Ethics Programs through Restorative Practices” in HR People & Strategy examines a growing trend in the use of restorative practices—making amends, forgiveness, and offender reintegration—an approach that moves beyond retribution to include restoring the offender, victims, and other affected parties—as an effective model for repairing harm to individuals and the organization after an ethical transgression.

Cheating in college

Associate Professor Ken Butterfield co-authored Cheating in College: Why Students Do It and What Educators Can Do About It, a book that explores how and why students cheat. The authors examine tactics that may help promote honesty in the classroom.

Why international firms invest in the U.S.

Professor Arvin Sahaym examines the motivation behind why emerging economies’ multinational technology firms such as Samsung (South Korea), Dalian Wanda Group (China), and Tata Group (India) have chosen to invest in the United States.

B2C e-commerce

Associate Professor Mauricio Featherman examines how consumers evaluate the risks and benefits of using Web-based e-services, such as online banking. Does changing the design of the human-computer interface or promotional materials change consumer perceptions or weightings of the e-service’s usage risks and benefits?

Competitive intelligence in sales

Research coauthored by Professor Arvin Sahaym models and tests the relationship among a salesperson’s product knowledge, competitive intelligence behaviors, and performance. It examines how a salesperson’s use of a sales force automation system influences that relationship.

Stereotyping female workplace conflict

Associate Professor Leah Sheppard’s research suggests that conflicts among women at work are often perceived more negatively than similar conflicts among men.

Workplace revenge and forgiveness

Professor Tom Tripp’s research explores the range of workplace revenge and forgiveness behaviors, their antecedents and consequences.

Common corporate selection practices

Associate Professor Kristine Kuhn demonstrates that divergent beliefs about how credit checks are actually implemented by employers partially explain whether the practice is viewed favorably or unfavorably, and that many people are concerned about potential societal consequences.


The department’s primary areas of research include the following:


  • Crowdfunding
  • Family business
  • Venture capital


  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Leadership
  • Gender stereotyping
  • Business ethics
  • Ethical climate and culture
  • Innovation
  • Staffing
  • Managerial decision making
  • Revenge
  • Organizational justice
  • Stakeholder theory
  • Selection
  • Corporate governance
  • Job satisfaction
  • Career development


  • IT innovation
  • Social computing
  • Mobile computing
  • Cloud computing
  • Business intelligence, data science, data analytics
  • Healthcare IT
  • IT workforce development
  • Human-computer interaction
  • IT governance
  • IT value
  • Cyberdeviance
  • IT adoption and use

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