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Washington State University



Research highlights

Corporate responsibility eases customer reaction to bad service

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) – such as donating money to build a new children’s hospital or implementing onsite daycare to accommodate parents – can protect companies in the wake of service failures, according to two studies. Lead author Jeff Joireman and fellow researchers explore when and why CSR buffers firms against service failures.

Book delivers critical tips on how to publish research

Scholars seeking to improve their research practices and successfully contribute to their fields may benefit from “How to Publish High-Quality Research,” a book coauthored by researchers Jeff Joireman of Washington State University and Paul Van Lange of VU University Amsterdam.

Turning customer revenge into reconciliation

A research paper by marketing professors from Washington State University (Jeff Joireman, Thomas Tripp), HEC Montreal (Yany Grégoire) and the University of (Berna Devezer) offers insight into what firms can do after a service failure to earn a second chance with customers. The research team identifies ways to increase customers’ desire for reconciliation and reduce their desire for revenge.

Effects of non-conscious mental processes on consumer behavior

Consumer behavior research has focused largely on methodologies that explore consumers’ conscious beliefs. While important, these measures tell only part of the story, suggests marketing professor Andrew Perkins. In what ways do non-conscious cognitions drive consumer behavior?


The marketing department’s areas of research include the following:

  • Advertising disclosures
  • Advertising effectiveness
  • Advertising information processing
  • Branding and brand management
  • Business-to-business marketing
  • Consumer decision-making
  • Cultural differences
  • Design in marketing
  • Influence strategies
  • Interfirm relationships
  • Managerial decision-making
  • Marketing public policy
  • Marketing strategy
  • Multi-channel distribution strategies
  • Nostalgia
  • Pricing
  • Public policy
  • Retailing
  • Sensory perception
  • Social influence
  • Social psychology topics such as time orientation and self-control
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Support for charities
  • Technology-based start-up companies

Many members of the marketing department faculty are scholars in the Center for Behavioral Business Research, which focuses study on behavioral and consumer issues affecting modern organizations.

International business

Research highlights

Sustainable marketing strategy

How do marketing activities and strategies affect sustainable development and pro-environmental consumption behaviors in the global marketplace? Professor Patriya Tansuhaj examines corporate social responsibility in the age of environmental change.


Primary areas of research in international business include the following:

  • Cross-national effects of social institutions on work and organizations
  • Economic impact and sustainability of development projects
  • Effect of taxation and subsidies on production incentives
  • Entrepreneurship—global compliance
  • Ethical climates in multinational organizations
  • Export performance of small and medium enterprises
  • Global business law and policy
  • International entrepreneurship
  • International education
  • International strategy and structure
  • Marketing and export diversification
  • Product pricing in developing countries
  • Strategic global case governance and policy
  • Tourism development
  • Travel satisfaction