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Washington State University

Madeline Ryan: Fast-Paced Career in Beverage Industry Fills Her Cup

“Work doesn’t feel like work when you are making something sugary and delicious.” A phrase that could have been coined by Willy Wonka is the real-life sentiment of Madeline Ryan (’20), a WSU food science graduate working in the beverage industry. As a research and development technician for Eagle Beverage Products in Kent, Washington, Ryan creates and packages products such as coffee syrups and bar mixes for private label beverage companies. » More ...

Internationally Distinguished Scholar Roy Suddaby Joins MISE Department

Roy Suddaby, one of the world’s most highly cited researchers in business and economics, recently joined the Carson College as a professor of management on a 50 percent appointment. An internationally renowned scholar of organizational theory and institutional change, Suddaby is the Winspear Chair of Management at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria and has adjunct professor positions at Ritsumeikan University in Japan and the IAE Business School in Argentina. » More ...

WSU Meal Kits: They’re What’s For Dinner

If the question “What’s for dinner?” causes you stress, a new collaboration between Catering Services in the School of Hospitality Business Management (SHBM) and the WSU Eggert Family Organic Farm can help relieve some of that anxiety—at least on Fridays.

Carson College chefs Jamie Callison and Jason Butcherite along with Brad Jaeckel, Eggert Farm manager, are offering the best of WSU products and local farm-grown ingredients as take-home meal kits.

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Meet Dr. Jeremy Cox: New Member of MISE Faculty

While Jeremy Cox is a gifted mathematician, one of his greatest talents lies in his ability to help people see business as something much more than a mathematical, profit-maximizing endeavor. After earning his MBA, he worked for a marketing company, building predictive models to decipher customer behavior. As he began analyzing customers, employees, managers, and society, he developed strong convictions that business needs to be taught in a different way. » More ...