Carson College of Business
Study Abroad: Virtual Summer
Study Abroad:
Virtual Summer
Business Consulting in Europe
Program Overview
Dates: May 10 – July 2, 2021
Course credit: WSU course, 3 credits
Courses Offered:
IBUS 496
Expenses (programs fees & WSU tuition for 3 Credits): TBA
Scholarships Available?: Yes
Financial aid applies?: Yes
Director: Jeff Joireman,
Program Highlights
- Online asynchronous course with one weekly synchronous meeting.
- Team consulting projects will take place with organizations located in Europe.
- Consulting teams will work in a competitive environment to design a thorough business proposal aimed to address their client’s needs and objectives.
- Ongoing career development workshops focused on international professional development.
Information Sessions
To Apply
- Application deadline for program: March 1
- Apply online
Questions? Concerns?
Contact Courtney Anne Jackson
Todd Hall 101 B
Appointments can be made via the Carson Center virtual front desk:
M-F from 1 – 4 p.m. on Zoom or by e-mailing the Carson Center at