Carson College of Business
Fall 2018 - Dividend
Celebrating 60 Years of Graduate Education
#1What skills were taught in the MBA program while you were here?
Chris Marker (’66 MBA)We learned in the traditional manner, sometimes in group settings with Harvard case studies, and there was emphasis on critical thinking skills.

Jean Jones (’00 MBA)My favorite MBA classes were Marketing, Operations Management, and Mergers and Acquisitions. I have used those skills in several different roles with my current company!

Justin Jacobsen (’05 MBA)Teamwork and collaboration were clearly a focus of the program as well as critical thinking and problem solving.

The Master of Business Administration is established at the school.
A 1959 graduate at commencement
#2How did you apply your MBA training to your career or current profession?

Chris Marker (’66 MBA)My program gave me a bit of a leg up in entry level roles in the hospitality business. I felt comfortable challenging the traditional ways of doing things and developing new tools, or updating more traditional methods of analysis.

Jean Jones (’00 MBA)Learning how to work well in groups, negotiate conflicts, arrive at a best decision, and manage time were results of my time in the MBA program.

Justin Jacobsen (’05 MBA)There were some specific details from an investments course that I retained and applied in a way that allowed me to stand out early in my career. This helped me earn a spot on one of the best hedge funds in Canada as an investment analyst.
#3How did you study and take exams?
Chris Marker (’66 MBA)Exams were always handwritten, though case studies required word processing skills—then only typewriters from the ages!

Jean Jones (’00 MBA)I remember lots of papers and projects, and not too many tests, but the ones we did take were done with a pen or pencil and paper!

Justin Jacobsen (’05 MBA)I worked in groups for projects, but for exams I typically studied alone. Tests were a mix of written for most courses and typed for MIS and Statistics.

The Master of Business Administration is established at the Carson College Tri-Cities and Vancouver locations.
#4What was the best thing about the program and why?

Chris Marker (’66 MBA)No doubt the incredible faculty was the key to my WSU MBA. Genuine friendships were developed, which further bonded us to the college and the University. These relationships inspire us to serve WSU to this day!

Jean Jones (’00 MBA)The best thing about the WSU MBA program was the people. The professors were wonderfully approachable and knowledgeable, and the other students were a great mix that made a fun environment where I learned not only the coursework, but about people and places.

Justin Jacobsen (’05 MBA)Working in groups and learning from peers with different strengths was the best thing about my program.