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Dividend The official online magazine of the Carson College of Business

Dual International Field Study Trips Changed Denise Thrush’s Perspective

Denise Thrush (‘23 MBA) enjoyed her international field study in Prague so much that she decided to participate again the next year, this time traveling to Singapore. Since graduating from Carson College’s online MBA program, she says the part she misses the most is the time she spent studying abroad with her classmates and professors.

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OMBA Program Helps Dean Janikowski Kickstart Philanthropic Giving

Dean Janikowski (‘23, Digi. Tech & Cult.) says he “was never the smartest guy.” And yet, after earning his bachelor’s degree in three years, the WSU kicker has maintained straight As through his first year in the Carson College’s online MBA program, all while leveraging his college football career and social media fame to raise money for people in need.

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