The official online magazine of the Carson College of Business
Poets & Quants ranked online MBA and executive MBA programs from the Carson College of Business as No. 16 in their 2020 rankings of The Best Online MBA Programs. The survey sought recent graduates’ impressions on a range of topics, including admission standards and study abroad trips, as well as whether the program fulfilled their expectations and if they would recommend it to others.
Alina Burke, a senior studying management information systems, was selected to represent the graduating students of the Carson College of Business as their ceremonial gonfalon (large stage banner) bearer during WSU’s 19th Fall Commencement ceremony held Dec. 7 on the Pullman campus. Interim Provost Bryan Slinker recognized Burke on behalf of all members of the class of 2019.
Kelvin Chiang, a doctoral candidate in hospitality business management, received an external scholarship from National Investment Center (NIC) to attend its 2019 spring conference in San Diego. The conference facilitates opportunities for practitioners to discuss the trends and dynamics of the senior living industry with the anticipation of the influx of the Baby Boomer’s generation. More than 1,500 participants from senior living, healthcare, and financial industries attended.
Shizhen (Jasper) Jia, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Management, Information Systems, and Entrepreneurship, presented “Literature Review of YouTube in Teaching Activities” at the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). PACIS is a premier information systems conference in the Pacific-Asia region that provides a platform for information technology researchers and practitioners to share their research findings and practices.
Nam Nguyen, a student at WSU’s Honors College and the Carson College of Business, has been named a Forbes Under 30 Scholar. Each year, Forbes selects 1,000 college and graduate students to receive free admission to the four-day summit, which took place in October in Detroit. He was also selected as a youth delegate by the World Bank Group for its upcoming World Bank Group Youth Summit, held in December in Washington, D.C. The summit’s theme is “Smarter Cities for a Resilient Future.”
Jacob Roedell, an accounting major at WSU Vancouver, was featured for his leadership award in Strategic Finance Magazine, a publication of the Institute of Management Accountants. The IMA Student Leadership Experience is designed to expose top students to governance and leadership skills.
Shane Sullivan, an EMBA student, was a featured speaker at the 2019 Washington Leadership Summit. Sullivan is the general manager for Aero-flite Inc. and a retired Navy Commander and Navy pilot.
WSU Vancouver’s Beta Alpha Psi chapter took home two awards and $3,500 in prize money from the honor society’s annual competition Aug. 8-10 in Chicago. Students Marcus Hendrickson, Andrew Englund, and Levi Collins represented the chapter at the competition. Beta Alpha Psi is an international honor society for financial information students and professionals, with more than 300 chapters on college and university campuses. The WSU Vancouver chapter won the Grant Thornton National Ethics competition, receiving a $2,500 award. Hendrickson and Englund also placed second place in Deloitte’s Best Practice competition, receiving a $1,000 award.
WSU Everett Carson College of Business students are part of an interdisciplinary team invited to the 2020 Collegiate Wind Competition June 1-4 in Denver. WSU Everett received a $20,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to establish the team. Students will work to find solutions to wind industry challenges.
Joni Earl’s story (’75 Bus. Ad.) is featured in Back on Track: Sound Transit’s Fight to Save Light Rail. Earl is the former CEO of Puget Sound Transit who led the effort to bring mass transit back to the Puget Sound region. WSU Press published the book.
Jeff Laub (’14 EMBA) was promoted to president and chief operating officer of Ventec Life Systems, a medical device company.
Annalise Miller (’17 Entre.) was featured in a Peace Corps Namibia video about a youth entrepreneurship camp.
Timothy Baker, associate professor of finance at WSU Tri-Cities, Robert Harrington, WSU Tri-Cities academic director and associate director of hospitality business management, and Aysajan Aizezikali (’18 Op. Mgmt. Sci.), have a paper, “Hotel revenue management for the transient segment: Taxonomy-based research,” accepted in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Harrington and research colleagues Michael Ottenbacher, Gretchen Kuechle, and W-H. Kim had their paper “QSR sustainable practice perceptions on willingness to pay a premium” accepted in the International Hospitality Review.
Six team members from WSU Everett including Mark Beattie, associate vice chancellor for academic affairs and clinical assistant professor of hospitality business management, and Anna McLeod, associate director for student services, attended the Disney Institute for a day of immersion into Disney business practices in customer and employee engagement, marketing, and the importance of “happiness” as a business model. Hosted by Western Washington University and the City of Lynnwood, the event was attended by 235 area business and community leaders.
Beattie and Chadwick Miller, assistant professor of marketing and international business, were part of the faculty development in business trip to Korea last summer. The ten-day trip was facilitated by Florida International University and Loyola Marymount University and included lectures at Sung Kyun Kwan University, tours of corporations, and art and history museums.
Matt Beer, the college’s military and veteran affairs manager, was accepted into the Bush Institute’s 2019 Stand-To-Veteran Leadership Program. Through the program, he met with nationally known veterans experts in Dallas, Seattle, and Washington, D.C., and worked with others on veterans’ issues from public and private sectors.
Chun-Chu (Bamboo) Chen, assistant professor of hospitality business management at WSU Vancouver, has new publications, including: Chen, C-C., Zou, S., & Petrick, J. F. (2019). “Is travel and tourism a priority for you? A comparative study of American and Taiwanese residents.” Journal of Travel Research, 58(4), 650-665. Chung, J.-Y., & Chen, C.-C. (2019). “Generational difference in international stereotypes and destination images: Politically divided countries.” Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 36(8), 865-876. Chen, C.-C., Yoon, S. (2019). “Tourism as a pathway to the good life: Comparing the top-down and bottom-up effects.” Journal of Travel Research, 58(5), 866-876. Gao, M., Chen, C.-C., Huang, Y.-C., & Lin, Y.-H. (2019). “Work and leisure in Taiwan: Examining the antecedents and consequences of work-leisure conflicts.” Leisure Studies, 38(1), 128-143. Huang, Y.-C., Chen, C.-C., Gao, M. (2019). “Customer Experience, Well-being, and Loyalty in the Spa Hotel Context: Integrating the Top-down & Bottom-up Theories of Well-being.” Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36(5),595-611.
Christina Chi, professor of hospitality business management, has new publications including: Chi, C. G., Zhang, C. Z. & Liu, Y. (Forthcoming). “Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Behaviors: Perspective of Travel and Tourism Managers at World Heritage Sites.” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI, 5-year Impact Factor: 3.464). Chen, M-H, Chen B. H. & Chi, C. G. (Forthcoming). “Socially Responsible Investment by Generation Z: A Cross-Cultural Study of Taiwanese and American Investors.” Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management (SSCI, 2018 IF: 2.683), and Cho, H, Joo, D. & Chi, C. G. (2019). “Examining nostalgia in sport tourism: The Case of U.S. College Football.”
Chi was also a keynote speaker and panelist at three conferences during the summer of 2019: the International Sino-US Tourism and Hospitality Symposium, Wuhan, China; the International Conference on Human Resource Development, Taipei, Taiwan; and Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference, Portsmouth, England.
Robert Crossler, associate professor of information systems, is a faculty expert on cyber security. He is helping institutions and companies in Central and Eastern Europe develop strategic responses to emerging forms of high-tech crime. He is part of a WSU contingent that participates in the annual Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum in Romania organized by the Ovidius University of Constanta and other international sponsors. At this year’s forum, Crossler presented “Cyber Defense and Deterrence: The Human Component,” discussing how employees can make correct security decisions and address passive, volitional, and malicious internal security threats caused by individuals. Crossler was also recently selected as an Association for Information Systems (AIS) distinguished member, cum laude designation. AIS is the premier professional association for individuals and organizations who lead the research, teaching, practice, and study of information systems worldwide. Members serve in leadership roles within the association to advance research through AIS and AIS-affiliated journals. Qualifications for the designation include a minimum of five years of continuous AIS membership, service in a significant role in AIS or AIS-related activity, and at least one publication in an AIS or AIS-affiliated journal. The distinguished member – cum laude designation is for those who exceed the requirement by holding continuous AIS membership for at least 10 years, service in a leadership role in AIS or AIS-related activity and have been published in at least four publications in an AIS or AIS-affiliated journal.
Sue Gill, associate professor of accounting and department chair, was recognized for 25 years of service to the University and college.
Kunter Gunasti, assistant professor of marketing, has been named a 2019 Emerald Literati Award winner for a research paper he co‑authored on consumer preferences for copycat brands. “Original Brands in Competition Against High Quality Copycats” was published in the European Journal of Marketing. Gunasti co‑authored the paper with Hang Nguyen, associate professor of marketing at Michigan State University.
Joan Halsey, program support supervisor, Graduate and Online programs, was recognized for 15 years of service to the University and college.
Jenny Kim, professor of hospitality business management, contributed “Research Shows Some Stress Can Lead to Better Performance” published in Hotel Management July 16, 2019.
Kim also received the 2019 ICHRIE Research Report Award for the article, “Not All Job Stressors Are Harmful: The Role of Employees’ Psychological Capital” with coauthor, Kelly Min (’17 HBM), assistant professor at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
Claire Latham, associate professor of accounting at WSU Vancouver, was recognized for 25 years of service to the University and college.
Tyson Livingston, associate director, Office of Technology, was recognized for 15 years of service to the University and college.
Teresa Ruddy, student services manager for Graduate and Online programs, was recognized for 40 years of service to the University and college.
Arvin Sahaym, associate professor in the Department of Management, Information Systems, and Entrepreneurship, has a new publication: Saldanha, T., Sahaym, A., Mithas, S., Andrade Rojas, M. G., Kathuria, A., Lee, H. 2019. “An empirical examination of the role of enterprise social systems in firm innovation: A contingency perspective.” Information Systems Research.
Leah Sheppard, assistant professor of management, information systems, and entrepreneurship, has had a paper accepted in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. “The Stress-Relieving Benefits of Positively–Experienced Social Sexual Behavior in the Workplace,” explores social sexual behavior at work that is not in the form of sexual harassment. Except for a handful of qualitative studies, the topic has been largely unexplored by management research.