
The Celebrate Carson College! event on October 25 raised just under $600,000 toward supporting The Next Carson Coug, a Carson College of Business initiative to transform undergraduate business education. WSU Regent, alumnus, and Carson College of Business namesake Scott Carson and his wife Linda provided a dollar-for-dollar match of the college’s efforts to raise $250,000, and when the event attendees surpassed that goal, the Carsons generously increased their match to support the initiative. The reception style event included hors d’oeuvres, a hosted bar, live auction and a raise-the-paddle program at Melrose Market Studios, in Seattle. Thank you to everyone involved, especially Scott and Linda Carson.
See more Celebrate Carson College! event photos on Facebook.

Watch the video.

Click to learn more about the WSU Tri-Cities hospitality and wine and beverage business management program.

Funds from a grant generously donated by Howard D. and B. Phyllis Hoops provided opportunities for 11 accounting students to take two separate tours of accounting and industry firms. Five students traveled to Spokane to visit Eide Bailly, CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA), BDO, and Moss Adams. Primary hosts were Jonathan Miller (’12 Acct., ’13 MAc.) at Eide Bailly, David Enquist (’08 Acct.) at CLA, Jon Heideman (’08 Acct.) at BDO, and Mike Thronson (’92 Acct.) at Moss Adams. Each firm presented information on firm culture, the types of clients they serve, and career paths available to students. The students were also provided with office tours. The students were accompanied by Marla Meyer, the college’s Moss Adams accounting career advisor. Additionally, six students traveled to Seattle with Meyer and Clinical Assistant Professor Brandon Holbrook, who also serves as the Beta Alpha Psi advisor. The students attended the Carson College Power Breakfast panel discussion and networked with representatives and event sponsors, many of which were accounting firms. Following the breakfast the students met with Devin Ossman (’14 Acct.) to learn about Starbucks and opportunities for accounting majors in industry. Accounting firms Peterson Sullivan, PwC, Moss Adams, and Deloitte all provided firm tours and the opportunity for students to meet firm employees and learn more about each accounting firm.
Following the Business Technology Symposium, management information systems students competed in the Biz Tech Competition (BiTC) to showcase their projects. MIS students learn by doing hands-on projects to develop technology solutions to business challenges. To further cultivate such a learning environment, the MISE department organized the competition to further challenge students to expand their technology skills through active participation and experimentation. Posters were judged by the Business Technology Symposium speakers, tech professionals, faculty and staff. The competition was sponsored by the Sampson Frank S. Endowment. Winners received $4,000 in cash awards:
Complete Projects:

1st Prize: $1,500
Michael Krebs, Danylo Kurgan

2nd Prize: $1,000
Deadstock ShoeStore Information System:
Jared Garalde, Ryan Griffin

3rd Prize: $500
AquaLand Pool Inventory System:
Christine Sizemore
Work in Progress Projects:

1st Prize: $500
Making an Organized Living System:
Alana Akiyama

2nd Prize: $300
Healthcloud, the Cure for Healthcare Security:
Kripa John, Taylor Faires

Read more about Chelsea.

Read the White House statement.
Read the WSU press release.

Read more about how Beattie is fostering a new generation of Cougs at WSU Everett.

Bamboo Chen, assistant professor of hospitality business management at WSU Vancouver, recently received $70,000 from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan to support research examining the usage and adoption of mobile payment technology by the hospitality industry and guests. Chen and his research colleague from the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism will interview and survey restaurant and hotel managers, as well as international tourists and local guests, in Taiwan. Chen also has three recent publications:
Huang, W.-J., & Chen, C.-C., Lai, Y. M. (2018). “Five-Star Quality at Three-Star Prices? Opaque Booking and Hotel Service Expectations.” Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 27(7), 833–854.
Huang, W.-J., Hung, K., & Chen, C.-C. (2018). “Attachment to the Home Country or Hometown? Examining Diaspora Tourism Across Migration Generations.” Tourism Management, 68, 52–65.
Chen, C-C. (2018). “Examining Stress Relief Benefits of Tourism Experiences: A Study of American Workers.” Tourism Analysis, 23(3), 421–426.

Kunter Gunasti, assistant professor of marketing, recently published three research articles:
“Is a $200 Nordstrom Gift Card Worth More or Less than a $200 GAP Gift Card? The Asymmetric Valuations of Luxury Gift Cards” in the Journal of Retailing, coauthored with E. Baskin.
“How Associations Between Products and Numbers in Brand Names Affect Consumer Attitudes” in the Journal of Brand Management, coauthored with T. Ozcan.
“Original Brands in Competition Against High Quality Copycats” in the European Journal of Marketing, coauthored with H. Nguyen. Gunasti also received the American Marketing Association’s Best Paper Award in the Food, Health, and Nutrition Track.

Dogan Gursoy, professor of hospitality business management, was the keynote speaker at the Second International Congress on Future of Tourism: Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability, and has four papers accepted for publication:Gursoy, D. (2018). “A Critical Review of Determinants of Information Search Behavior and Utilization of Online Reviews in Decision-Making Process.” International Journal of Hospitality Management.
Xu, X., Liu, W., & Gursoy, D. (2018). “The Impacts of Service Failure and Recovery Efforts on Airline Customers’ Emotions and Satisfaction.” Journal of Travel Research.
Modica, P. D., Altinay, L., Farmaki, A., Gursoy, D., & Zenga, M. (2018). “Consumer Perceptions Towards Sustainable Supply Chain Practices in the Hospitality Industry.” Current Issues in Tourism, 1-18.
Chen, K. C., Gursoy, D., & Lau, K. L. K. (2018). “Longitudinal Impacts of a Recurring Sport Event on Local Residents with Different Level of Event Involvement.” Tourism Management Perspectives, 28, 228–238.

Professor Robert Harrington, academic director for the Carson College of Business at WSU Tri-Cities, was a keynote speaker presenting “Hospitality Business: Industry Overview and Business Model” at the 2018 Joint Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, September 27 in Richland, Washington. He and Executive Chef Jamie Callison gave two invited presentations: “Beer Styles and Food Pairing” at the USDA tour for Chinese delegation on September 19 in Moscow, Idaho, and “Pairing to the Terroir—Food and Beer Pairing” at the Grain Gathering conference on July 26 in Mount Vernon, Washington. Harrington has four papers accepted for publication:
Thielemann, V. M., Ottenbacher, M. C., & Harrington, R. J. (2018). “Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Customer Value in the Restaurant Industry—A Preliminary Test of a Holistic Model.” International Hospitality Review, in press.
Herdenstam, A., Nilsen, A., Ostrom, A., & Harrington, R. J. (2018). “Training of Sommeliers—Dialogue Seminar and Repertory Grid Method in Combination as a Pedagogical Tool.” Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 13, 78–89.
Harrington, R.J., Hammond, R., Ottenbacher, M.C., Chathoth, P. & Marlowe, B. (2018). “From Goods-Service Logic to a Memory-Dominant Logic: Demand-Side Strategy Research and Application in Hospitality.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, Part A, 252–260.
Harrington also has four accepted book chapters:
Chathoth, P. K., Ungson, G., Harrington, R., Altinay, L., Chan, E. & Okumus, F. (2018). “Conceptualization of Value Co-Creation in the Tourism Context.” In Presbensen, N. K., Chen, J, & Uysal, M. (Eds.), Creating Experience Value in Tourism, 2nd edition, CABI, pp. 31–43.
Harrington, R.J., Ottenbacher, M., Marlowe, B., & Siguda, U. (2019). “Wine Tourism in South Africa: Valued Attributes and Their Role as Memorable Enticements.” In Sigala.
M. & Robinson, R. (Eds), “Management and Marketing of Wine Destinations: Theory, Practice and Cases,” Volume 2, Chapter 34, in press.
Harrington, R.J., Ottenbacher, M. & Marlowe, B. (2019). “Malaysian Gastronomic Tourism—Its Importance, Satisfiers, Dis-Satisfiers and Delighters.” In Dixit, S.K. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Gastronomic Tourism, Chapter 17, in press.

Min, H., Joireman, J., & Kim, J. (in press) “Understanding Why Anger Predicts Intention to Complain Among High But Not Low Power Customers: A Test of Competing Models.” Journal of Business Research 95, Feb. 2019, 93–102.

Read more about Tripp’s appointment.