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Dividend The official online magazine of the Carson College of Business

WSU Alumni Found AgRooted to Support Family Farms

Small family farms face significant challenges, including escalating production costs and fierce competition from large agribusinesses. Growing up on an 80-acre farm in southwest Washington, WSU alums and siblings Jessica and Sean Murray were acutely aware of the challenges facing small family operations like theirs and wanted to be part of the solution.

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Entrepreneurship Course Series Prepares Future Innovators

A series of three entrepreneurship classes offered at WSU Tri-Cities is pairing students with industry professionals to develop and launch new ventures in clean energy.

Paul Carlisle (’06 Busi. Admin., ’07 MBA), an adjunct professor with the Carson College who runs the program, says the classes are meant to be taken in succession. Students team up with a researcher who holds a freshly patented technology, often from nearby Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL), help create a business plan, and secure venture financing to create a viable business.

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A Matter of Trust: Maintaining Investor Confidence After a Product Failure

In the high-stakes world of venture-backed startups, nothing is more crucial than investor trust, especially when facing product development setbacks. New research from WSU's Carson College of Business offers fresh perspectives on how technology-based startup companies can secure funding even when their product development hits roadblocks.

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